Theme Songs/Clean Teeth

Children are supposed to get to the dentist around age three, so it is with some sheepishness that I share this tale: My son, now four, went to the dentist for the first time today. 

We all went, actually, and it was quite refreshing to find that our long hiatus from the dental chair had not resulted in any cavities.  Change in our insurance plan sent us to a new office, full of very nice people, so it was a pretty good experience.  

A minor highlight of the trip, apart from the clean teeth, which are rewards unto themselves, was that whenever Ruben the hygienist gathered his tools to descend into Henry’s little, wide open mouth, he began to hum the “Imperial March” from Star Wars.  I appreciate everything that Ruben did to make our visit successful and Henry, I’m sure, didn’t care, but I wasn’t thrilled about Darth Vader’s theme song being performed by the man with his hands in my son’s mouth.

What would I prefer?  The Final Countdown a la Gob Bluth, obviously.


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